Writing 213:
Writing for the Sciences
Assignment #3
Assignment 3
This is a reading, concepts and principles assignment.
From each of the following pages in the Class Notes:
9 through10
12 through 22
24 through 36
38 through 47
(35 Total Pages)
Copy onto a blank document (either Microsoft Word or Pages) the following:
One principle or concept or format from each of the pages and indicate the page number: Either a sentence or phrase.
Page 5: Science is a method of asking testable questions based on a hypothesis.
Page 9: Steps: Why? How? What? So What?
Page 10: Clear scientific writing generally follows a specific format with key sections:
· an introduction to a particular topic,
· hypotheses to be tested,
· a description of methods, key results,
· a discussion that ties these results to our broader knowledge of the topic.
You can copy and paste from the pages in the Class Notes
Make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page
Click the underlined link to the left